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Term 2 Grade 12 Task 2 Project Life Orientation Memorandum for 2021

Term 2 Grade 12 Task 2 Project Life Orientation Memorandum for 2021

Term 2 Grade 12 Task 2 Project Life Orientation (L.O) Memorandum for 2021:

On this page, we have drafted an answer guide for Life Orientation Grade 12 Task 2 project students. This guide was developed using on of the best project for 2021.

Term 2 Task Topic:

Responsible Citizenship: Human Rights & Democracy and Social Responsibility

Activity 1: Human Rights Violation Essay Guide

Activity 2: Data Gathered Through Interview

In your data gathering, you should professionally present your interview questions, accompanied by the response from the respondents. You can include pie charts, bars, and graphs to make your presentation professional. You should end this section by providing a summary (half a page) of the data you gathered through the interviews.

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Activity 3: Who Deals with Human Rights

On this section, you can elaborate on the following:

  • The principles behind restorative justice
  • South African Human Rights Commission
  • Commission for Gender Equality
  • Public Protector
  • Religious organizations

You can then provide a detailed discussion that covers the following:

Activity 4: Human Rights and The Media

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Social Media and human rights violations (check: How Social Media may Perpetuate Attacks on the LGBTQ Community)

Activity 5: Recommendations and Reflective Paragraph

On this section, you should provide some recommendations regarding:

Then, lastly, you provide:

  • a reflective paragraph on why you chose the type of human rights violation
  • share what you learned from doing this project, and
  • what you plan to do next

Activity 6: Bibliography

Provide a list of the sources that you have used.

2021 Project: Term 1 Project

2020 Project Project:

Gr-12-Life-Orientation-18-Mar-13-Apr.pdf Download

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