Careers for History with Pure Mathematics Subject Choice: Study Options

Let’s find out what career choices you are able to study at Universities or Colleges if you chose History with Pure Mathematics Grade 10 -12 subjects.

Exploring Career Paths: The Journey from History and Pure Mathematics

As a high school student in South Africa choosing History and Pure Mathematics for Grades 10-12, you’re setting the stage for a diverse and exciting range of career options. Remember, your National Senior Certificate requires seven subjects – two languages, Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy, Life Orientation, and three elective subjects. Let’s dive into some study options and careers this unique subject combination can lead you to, along with recommended additional subjects to complement your career choice.

Data Analysis in Historical Research

  • Study Option: Bachelor of Science in Data Science
  • Recommended Additional Subject: Computer Applications Technology or Information Technology
  • Career Path: Data Analyst, Historical Researcher
  • Why This Path?: Your mathematical skills are perfect for data analysis, and when combined with historical knowledge, you can specialize in historical data interpretation.

Financial History

  • Study Option: Bachelor of Commerce in Financial Analysis
  • Recommended Additional Subject: Accounting or Business Studies
  • Career Path: Financial Analyst, Economic Historian
  • Why This Path?: Understanding historical economic trends complements financial analysis, making you valuable in fields like economic research and finance.

Urban Planning and Historical Contexts

  • Study Option: Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning
  • Recommended Additional Subject: Geography
  • Career Path: Urban Planner, Heritage Manager
  • Why This Path?: Your knowledge in history aids in understanding the evolution of cities, while mathematics helps with the technical aspects of planning.

Cryptography and Historical Codes

  • Study Option: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
  • Recommended Additional Subject: Computer Applications Technology
  • Career Path: Cryptographer, IT Security Analyst
  • Why This Path?: Combine your love for mathematics and historical codes to enter the fascinating world of cryptography and information security.

Legal Studies with a Historical Background

  • Study Option: Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
  • Recommended Additional Subject: Business Studies or an additional language
  • Career Path: Lawyer, Legal Historian
  • Why This Path?: A deep understanding of history enriches your comprehension of the law, while mathematics enhances logical reasoning.

In selecting your elective subjects, think about how they align with your interests and future goals. Your choices in History and Pure Mathematics already pave the way for exciting opportunities. Each additional subject should further open doors, helping you build a fulfilling career that resonates with both your passions and skills.

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